YHC’s Community Pulses are where our feet are on the ground as we move in rhythm with the needs of the community. By focusing in particular on one of our pillars of H.E.A.R.T for each initiative, we aim to create movement and life in an area of need.

Christina Alejo from the Holistic Cultural & Education Wellness Center, Social Media Director Daniel Vallejo, Board President Jessica Cisneros


This program is focused on mental health and trauma in the Latinx community. The purpose of this program is to begin a dialogue to break down the misconceptions and false perceptions of mental health within the Latino community.

  • We have spent time behind the scenes familiarizing ourselves with the people and culture of the Central Valley through on-site visits to facilities, conversations with community members, and conducting our own research. We aim to utilize our talent of connecting those in need with the individuals who can help them, rather than speak for the Latinx community of the Central Valley and determine their needs.

  • We have begun collaborating with Assemblymember Robert Rivas to help create policy changes and practices to improve the working conditions of field laborers, including educating the community on their rights in the workplace and improving access to mental health resources


We put together a diverse team of committed community members and experts to design baseline semester long mental health curriculum that can be easily redesigned to fit any model from a formal class, summer camp program, one day workshop and more.

We believe that through inclusive, digestible, and relatable mental health education, we can empower future generations to take charge of their personal and communal mental health standards.

 This will help guide us towards a future where discussions around mental health is commonplace and is treated with appropriate attention and care, and earnest dialogues are practiced and participated in through good faith.

The curriculum will ensure that survivors have a greater understanding of the following topics:

  • 1. Overview of mental health, emotional health, and mental illness 

  • 2. Facts, statistics, myths, and stigmas surrounding mental health

  • 3. Real world applications   

  • 4. Promoting & Maintaining Healthy Relationships

  • 5. Strategies & Resources for coping with mental health struggles

  • Our curriculum plans to address the subjects guided by our pillars of H.E.A.R.T, which are Healing, Empowerment, Advocacy, Relationships, and Therapy


More information to come!

Interested in the project? Check out our careers page for volunteer opportunities to get involved!