Internship, Art competition, and more!


Happy end of Quarter 1! We accomplished a lot at YHC! Before we recap how the first four months of the year went, check out some of our upcoming events!

Internship program apps close on the 11th!

We announced our application for our summer 2022 internship! We are looking for young, highly motivated individuals in high school/college interested in the following:

  • πŸ’› Community organizing

  • πŸ’› Political engagement

  • πŸ’› Meeting with elected officials

  • πŸ’› Leadership development

  • πŸ’› Toast masters/public speaking

  • πŸ’› Advocacy/policy training

  • πŸ’› Digital Marketing/E-advocacy

Our 12 week program starts on June 6th & ends August 26th. Both OTG (on the ground) & virtual internship options will be available to accommodate out of state/international applicants.

Only individuals located in Solano, Napa, and Contra Costa County in California will be considered for the on the ground team. Applications will be released no later than April 11th, & will close by May 11th. Interviews will be conducted May 12th-25th.
If you have any other questions, please email

Dear Latino Parents Art Exhibition

Our Dear Latino Parents art exhibition officially launched! Check out the flyer for more details!

We are looking for Latino identifying artists or creatives to submit art answering the prompt: What do I want my latino parents to know about my mental health! Your art can be in any medium but must be submitted in 2D form to be shared!


Here is the link to learn more:

This is all part of our three part series for our Dear Latino Parents campaign!

We met with the iconic Dolores Huerta and will be releasing the discussion on May 27th along with the art exhibition.

We also held an amazing Dear Latino Parts art healing workshop with Adriana Alejo! The kids at Greenwood academy in Richmond (Thanks to the Boys & Girls Clubs of Contra Costa for partnering) had a blast finding beauty in their surroundings and creating art from everyday items!

Recap of Q1

Resource Giveaways for the unhoused

We’ve co-hosted three Resource Giveaways and creek cleanup’s for the unhoused with Kampaign for Change!

Incredibly big shout out to Vanden High schools FNL club for being such a huge supporter of the Giveaways!

Richmond Egg Hunt

We also held an Egg hunt for North Richmond youth in collaboration with Steve from Desk for Kids, Boys & Girls Clubs of Contra Costa, Guardians of Justice, and Richmond Fire Department.

The kids got an amazing surprise from the Easter Bunny along with a fast paced egg hunt and some gifts!

We tabled events!

Also had some impactful meetings with individuals such as the staff of California Senator Alex Padilla!