In person visit to the Nehemiah Project

Our CEO N’dea Johnson, Co-Director of Policy Education DaMonte, and Board member Audry Musgrove had the honor of touring the Nehemiah Project LA house, which will house four former foster young women.

It is the first time any of these young women have had their own rooms, and will be fed and assisted in finding employment. This project is huge as it allows the women time to transition before being thrown into the world without resources. 

YHC has had aspirations to do a similar effort since our Sexual and Domestic Violence town hall in 2020 where housing survivors was a huge discuss and it’s amazing to see these initiatives being done!

Can’t wait for YHC to be able to do similar work in the future and absolutely loved the opportunity to tour the beautiful home and be inspired!

Cal Berkeley Football Game with City Church Fairfield!

This weekend, we were able to take some of our unhoused friends and community members from City Church Fairfield to a Cal Berkeley football game for FREE! Thank you so much to Kuony Deng and Lynn Lippstreu for donating and arranging for the free 34 tickets! Thank you to Cal Berkeley’s football team and Dustin Coder for the free gear and parking passes and for making the entire process soooo smooth!

For many, it was their first time not only going to a college game but visiting the University of California, Berkeley!

The kids and adults had a blast and we can’t wait to continue offering opportunities such as this to the populations we serve!

Therapy for the Unhoused [Project Update]

Words from our CEO:

Since launching Yellow Heart Committee’s Community Pulses: Therapy for the Unhoused with City Church Fairfield, I have felt so fulfilled.

Working with this community has been incredibly rewarding, I’ve learned so much from their stories and experiences and have become even more compassionate and understanding. 

Also hearing how grateful everyone is to have therapy be offered for free and to see them filling up our Co-Ed group therapy, and so many men asking for Individual one on one! 

I can’t wait to continue this program and eventually expand it elsewhere. 

Thank you so much Ivonne Malave for connecting me with this community and thank you Scott Mulvey for allowing us into your space and trusting us! 💛